4.2 Operational Overview

Note: Ensure you read 3.1 Power Connections, 3.2 PC and Smartphone Connections and 3.3 Target Connections before completing Step 5.
To debug and program code using the MPLAB PICkit 5 In-Circuit Debugger:
  1. Download and install the latest MPLAB X IDE from the MPLAB X IDE webpage. MPLAB IPE is included in the MPLAB X IDE installer. See MPLAB X IDE documentation for how to create a project for developing application code and how to debug code.
  2. Find examples of code in MPLAB Discover or search for Microchip content on GitHub, such as Microchip PIC & AVR Examples.
  3. Find a compiler for on your application device on the MPLAB XC Compilers webpage.
  4. Purchase MPLAB PICkit 5 and optionally the Debugger Adapter Board.
  5. Launch MPLAB X IDE. Plug in MPLAB PICkit 5 to the computer using the USB cable. Ensure you target is correctly connected.
  6. Open your project or an example project in MPLAB X IDE. Right click on the project name in the Projects tab and select Properties. In the Project Properties dialog, ensure that PICkit 5 is selected under “Connected Hardware Tool”. Then select the PICkit 5 Category under a Conf(iguration) and setup options from the “Option Categories” list.
    Note: This is where you select power to target if desired.
  7. Read the following sections for details on operation for your application device.
  8. For a complete list of debugger limitations for your device, see the online Help file in MPLAB X IDE (Help > Help Contents > Hardware Tool Reference Help > Limitations - Emulators and Debuggers).