4.4.3 Predefined Symbols

The assembler predefines several assembler symbols which can be tested by conditional directives in source code.

The following table lists symbols usable with PIC32M devices.

Table 4-3. Predefined Symbols
P32MXPIC32MX target device family
P32MZPIC32MZ target device family
HAS_MIPS32R2Device supports the MIPS32r2 Instruction Set
HAS_MIPS16Device supports the MIPS16e Instruction Set
HAS_MICROMIPSDevice supports the microMIPS Instruction Set
HAS_DSPR2Device supports the DSPr2 engine
HAS_MCUDevice supports the MIPS MCU extensions
HAS_L1CACHEDevice has an L1 data and program cache
HAS_VECTOROFFSETSDevice uses configurable offsets for the vector table