5.2.4 Double Directive

The .double value1[, ..., valuen] directive assembles the specified comma-separated double-precision (64-bit) floating-point constants into consecutive addresses in the current section. Floating point numbers are stored in IEEE format (see Floating-Point Numbers) as little-endian values.

The following statements are equivalent:

.double 12345.67
.double 1.234567e4
.double 1.234567e04
.double 1.234567e+04
.double 1.234567E4
.double 1.234567E04
.double 1.234567E+04

Alternatively, you can specify the hexadecimal encoding of a floating-point constant. The following statements are equivalent and encode the value 12345.67 as a 64-bit double-precision number:

.double 0e:40C81CD5C28F5C29
.double 0f:40C81CD5C28F5C29
.double 0d:40C81CD5C28F5C29