14.2.3 Options

The long and short forms of options, shown in the following table as alternatives, are equivalent.

Table 14-3. XC32-nm Options
Option Function



Precede each symbol by the name of the input file (or archive member) in which it was found, rather than identifying the input file once only, before all of its symbols.


Display all symbols, even debugger-only symbols; normally these are not listed.
-B The same as --format=bsd.
--defined-only Display only defined symbols for each object file.


Display only undefined symbols (those external to each object file).


Use the output format format, which can be bsd, sysv or posix. The default is bsd. Only the first character of format is significant; it can be either upper or lower case.


Display only external symbols.
--help Show a summary of the options to xc32-nm and exit.


For each symbol, use debugging information to try to find a filename and line number. For a defined symbol, look for the line number of the address of the symbol. For an undefined symbol, look for the line number of a relocation entry that refers to the symbol. If line number information can be found, print it after the other symbol information.



Sort symbols numerically by their addresses, rather than alphabetically by their names.


Do not bother to sort the symbols in any order; print them in the order encountered.


Use the POSIX.2 standard output format instead of the default format. Equivalent to -f posix.


Reverse the order of the sort (whether numeric or alphabetic); let the last come first.


When listing symbols from archive members, include the index: a mapping (stored in the archive by xc32-ar or xc32-ranlib) of which modules contain definitions for which names.
--size-sort Sort symbols by size. The size is computed as the difference between the value of the symbol and the value of the symbol with the next higher value. The size of the symbol is printed, rather than the value.
-t radix


Use radix as the radix for printing the symbol values. It must be d for decimal, o for octal or x for hexadecimal.


Show the version number of xc32-nm and exit.