Section Type Modifier Attributes

Attributes can be used to modify some sections, as indicated in the following table.

Table 5-2. Attributes that Modify Section Types
Attribute Description Applicable Sections
code data bss persist ramfunc
address(a) Locate at absolute address a x x x x
near Locate in the first 64k of memory x x x
reverse Align the ending address +1 x x x
align(n) Align the starting address x x x x x
noload Allocate, do not load x x x x x
keep Keep section against garbage collection x x x x x

Attributes may be combined with others in some cases. The following table indicates which attributes are compatible with each other.

Table 5-3. Combining Attributes that Modify Section Types
address near reverse align noload keep
address x x x x
near x x x x x
reverse x x x
align x x x x
noload x x x x x
keep x x x x x