1.7 SRAM - Checkerboard Algorithm

Test Name: SRAM Test with Checkerboard Algorithm.

Purpose of test: Detect stuck bits and coupling faults in SRAM and on the data bus, as well as any addressing problems.

Acceptable Measure (Annex. H): Static Memory Test (H.2.19.6).

Description: The internal SRAM is used for volatile storage of data and any faults related to this can be catastrophic for the appliance control. The 1s and 0s are written into alternate memory locations of the cell array in a checkerboard pattern. The algorithm divides the cells into two alternate groups such that every neighboring cell is in a different group.

The checkerboard algorithm is executed in 4 steps:

  • Step-1: Write checkerboard with up addressing order
  • Step-2: Read checkerboard with up addressing order
  • Step-3: Write inverse checkerboard with up addressing order
  • Step-4: Read inverse checkerboard with up addressing order

API Documentation: SRAM - Checkerboard Algorithm