5 References
- How to install MCC
- PIC1000: Getting Started with Writing C-Code for PIC16 and PIC18 Technical Brief
- DS40001725B - MPLAB Code Configurator User’s Guide
- AN2133 - Extending PIC® MCU Capabilities Using CLC
- TB3133 - Configurable Logic Cell on PIC® Microcontrollers
- AN2805 - Robust Debouncing with Core Independent Peripherals
- DS41631B - Configurable Logic Cell Tips ’n Tricks
- AN2912 - Using CLCs in Real-Time Applications
- AN1606 - Using the Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) to Interface a PIC16F1509 and WS2811 LED Driver
- 20007 CIP1 - Applying Configurable Logic Cell CLC to Interconnect Peripheral Functions