ZCL_Addressing_t struct


typedef struct
  APS_AddrMode_t      addrMode;     //!< Address mode indicates which type of address shall be used
  APS_Address_t       addr;         //!< Can be set to either short, extended, or group addresses, depending on the address mode
  ProfileId_t         profileId;    //!< Profile ID
  Endpoint_t          endpointId;   //!< Endpoint ID
  ClusterId_t         clusterId;    //!< Cluster ID
  uint8_t             clusterSide;  //!< Cluster's side: server or client
  uint16_t            manufacturerSpecCode; //!< Manufacturer-specific code
  uint8_t             sequenceNumber; //!< ZCL sequence number
  ShortAddr_t         aliasSrcAddr;   //!< Green power alias addr
  NwkSequenceNumber_t aliasSeqNumber; //!< Green power alias seq no
  uint8_t             radius;         //!< Groupcast radius
  APS_AddrMode_t      indDstAddrMode;    //!< destination address mode
  APS_Address_t       indDstAddr;        //!< destination address
  bool                nonUnicast;   //!< Received request is not a unicast one
} ZCL_Addressing_t;


Type describing address fields of some attributes in ZCL