4.1.5 Secure Element

The Microchip ATECC608B-TNGTLS is the Trust&GO secure element part of the Trust Platform for the CryptoAuthentication family. The device comes pre-configured and pre-provisioned with default thumbprint certificates and key. The cloud infrastructure, whether it is a public or private network, must accommodate device authentication relying only on the thumbprint certificate from the ATECC608B-TNGTLS. This secure element integrates ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman) security protocol - an ultra-secure method to provide key agreement for encryption/decryption - along with ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) sign-verify authentication for the Internet of Things (IoT) market, including home automation, industrial networking, medical, retail or any TLS connected networks.

For more information, refer to the product web page.

Figure 4-3. ECC608B Secure Element Schematic