2.3.1 Configure CCL

The CCL must be configured to the desired logical functionality. The configure_ccl_lut0() function initializes the CCL module with the desired clock generator and configures LUT0 according to the following settings:
  • Input 0 is default TC
  • Input 1 is alternative TC
  • Input 2 is masked
  • Truth table value set to 0x01
  • Run in Standby enabled
In addition, the encoded signal is multiplexed to the I/O pin corresponding to CCL0 output. The configuration function follows the ASF standard by creating a configuration struct, loading default settings, applying necessary changes, and enabling the module.
void configure_ccl_lut0(void)
    /** Creates a new configuration structure for CCL. */
    struct ccl_config conf;

    /** Apply the default settings. */
    conf.clock_source   = GCLK_GENERATOR_1;
    conf.run_in_standby = true;

    /** Initialize CCL with the user settings. */

    /** Creates a new configuration structure for LUT0. */
    struct ccl_lut_config conf_ccl_lut0;

    /** Apply the default settings. */

    /** Configure LUT0. */
    conf_ccl_lut0.truth_table_value = 0x01;
    conf_ccl_lut0.input0_src_sel    = CCL_LUT_INPUT_SRC_TC;
    conf_ccl_lut0.input1_src_sel    = CCL_LUT_INPUT_SRC_ALTTC;
    conf_ccl_lut0.input2_src_sel    = CCL_LUT_INPUT_SRC_MASK;

    /** Set up LUT0 output pin. */
    struct system_pinmux_config lut0_out_pin_conf;
    lut0_out_pin_conf.direction    = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT;
    lut0_out_pin_conf.mux_position = CCL_OUTPUT_MUX;
    system_pinmux_pin_set_config(CCL_OUTPUT_PIN, &lut0_out_pin_conf);

    /** Initialize and enable LUT0 with the user settings. */
    ccl_lut_set_config(CCL_LUT_0, &conf_ccl_lut0);

    /** Enable CCL module. */