2.3.1 Configure CCL
The CCL must be configured to the desired logical functionality. The
function initializes the CCL module with the
desired clock generator and configures LUT0 according to the following settings:- Input 0 is default TC
- Input 1 is alternative TC
- Input 2 is masked
- Truth table value set to 0x01
- Run in Standby enabled
void configure_ccl_lut0(void) { /** Creates a new configuration structure for CCL. */ struct ccl_config conf; /** Apply the default settings. */ ccl_get_config_defaults(&conf); conf.clock_source = GCLK_GENERATOR_1; conf.run_in_standby = true; /** Initialize CCL with the user settings. */ ccl_init(&conf); /** Creates a new configuration structure for LUT0. */ struct ccl_lut_config conf_ccl_lut0; /** Apply the default settings. */ ccl_lut_get_config_defaults(&conf_ccl_lut0); /** Configure LUT0. */ conf_ccl_lut0.truth_table_value = 0x01; conf_ccl_lut0.input0_src_sel = CCL_LUT_INPUT_SRC_TC; conf_ccl_lut0.input1_src_sel = CCL_LUT_INPUT_SRC_ALTTC; conf_ccl_lut0.input2_src_sel = CCL_LUT_INPUT_SRC_MASK; /** Set up LUT0 output pin. */ struct system_pinmux_config lut0_out_pin_conf; system_pinmux_get_config_defaults(&lut0_out_pin_conf); lut0_out_pin_conf.direction = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT; lut0_out_pin_conf.mux_position = CCL_OUTPUT_MUX; system_pinmux_pin_set_config(CCL_OUTPUT_PIN, &lut0_out_pin_conf); /** Initialize and enable LUT0 with the user settings. */ ccl_lut_set_config(CCL_LUT_0, &conf_ccl_lut0); /** Enable CCL module. */ ccl_lut_enable(CCL_LUT_0); ccl_module_enable(); }