28.5.5 LUT n Control C

Offset: 0x07 + n*0x04 [n=0..1]
Reset: 0x00
Property: Enable-Protected

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bits 3:0 – INSEL2[3:0] LUT n Input 2 Source Selection

This bit field selects the source for input 2 of LUT n:

0x0MASKMasked input
0x1FEEDBACKFeedback input
0x2LINKLinked other LUT as input source
0x3EVENT0Event input source 0
0x4EVENT1Event input source 1
0x5IOI/O-pin LUTn-IN2 input source
0x6AC0AC0 OUT input source
0x7TCB0TCB0 WO input source
0x8TCA0TCA0 WO2 input source
0x9TCD0TCD0 WOA input source
0xBSPI0SPI0 MISO input source
0xCAC1AC1 OUT input source
0xDTCB1TCB1 WO input source
0xEAC2AC2 OUT input source