Frequency Correction
The RTC Frequency Correction module employs periodic counter corrections to compensate for a too slow or too fast oscillator. Frequency correction requires that CTRLA.PRESCALER is greater than 1.
The digital correction circuit adds or subtracts cycles from the RTC prescaler to adjust the frequency in approximately 1 ppm steps. Digital correction is achieved by adding or skipping a single count in the prescaler once every 8192 CLK_RTC_OSC cycles. The Value bit group in the Frequency Correction register (FREQCORR.VALUE) determines the number of times the adjustment is applied over 128 of these periods. The resulting correction is as follows:
This results in a resolution of 0.95367 ppm.
The Sign bit in the Frequency Correction register (FREQCORR.SIGN) determines the direction of the correction. A positive value will add counts and increase the period (reducing the frequency), and a negative value will reduce counts per period (speeding up the frequency).
Digital correction also affects the generation of the periodic events from the prescaler. When the correction is applied at the end of the correction cycle period, the interval between the previous periodic event and the next occurrence can also be shortened or lengthened depending on the correction value.