Maximum Capture

The maximum capture is enabled by writing the CAPTMAX mode in the Channel n Capture Mode bits in the Control A register (CTRLA.CAPTMODEn = CAPTMAX).

CCx Content:

In CAPTMAX operations, CCx keeps the maximum captured values. Before enabling this mode of capture, the user must initialize the corresponding CCx register value to a value different from TOP. If the CCx register initial value is TOP, no capture is performed using the corresponding channel.

MCx Behaviour:

In the CAPTMAX operation, the capture is performed only if, when on capture event time, the counter value is higher than the last captured value. The MCx Interrupt flag is set only if, when on capture event time, the counter value is lower or equal to the value captured on the previous event. So the Interrupt flag is set when a new absolute local maximum value is detected.

Figure 40-16. Maximum Capture Operation with CC0 Initialized with ZERO Value