2.4.1 Definition of Terms Used

The following terms with their calculations are used in this section:


  • Ambient Temperature (TA): Application maximum operating environment temperature in ⁰C
  • Junction Temperature (TJ) maximum: 125⁰C
  • θJA: Package Thermal Resistance (For additional information, refer to the PIC32CZ CA80/CA9x Data Sheet)
  • PI/O: CPU I/O Power Dissipation in Watts
  • PINTERNAL: Internal CPU Power Dissipation in Watts
  • PDMAX: Package Maximum Power Dissipation in Watts
  • VDDx: Includes AVDD and VDDIO voltage supplies:
    • AVDD Analog voltage supply
    • VDDIO Voltage supply for CPU I/O
  • IDDREG: VDDREG maximum supply current of CPU + SRAM + PLL at 300 MHz with all peripherals disabled (For additional information, refer to the PIC32CZ CA80/CA9x Data Sheet)
  • VDDREG: Power supply pin for all CPU internal regulators
  • VREGSWn: Core IDD Regulator current (max) = 341 mA (For additional information, refer to the PIC32CZ CA80/CA9x Data Sheet)
  • PLLn: Digital Phase Lock Loops (n = 0,1)
  • SRAM: Static Random Access Memory