20.7.3 Generator Control

GENCTRLn controls the settings of Generic Generator n (n=0..11). The reset value is 0x00000105 for Generator n=0, else 0x00000000.

Table 20-6. Register Bit Attribute Legend
RReadable bitHCCleared by Hardware(Grey cell)Unimplemented
WWritable bitHSSet by HardwareXBit is unknown at Reset
KWrite to clearSSoftware settable bit
Offset: 0x20 + n*0x04 [n=0..15]
Reset: 0x00000106
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Write-Synchronized

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 000001 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 

Bits 31:16 – DIV[15:0] Division Factor

These bits represent a division value for the corresponding GCLK Generator input source clock defined by GENCTRLn.SRC. The actual division factor is dependent on the state of DIVSEL.

Table 20-10. Division Factor Bits
Generic Clock GeneratorDivision Factor Bits
Clock Generator [11:0]8 division factor bits - DIV[7:0]


  • If GENCTRLn.DIV is an odd number: then GENCTRLn.IDC must be set to IDC = 1
  • If GENCTRLn.DIV is an even number: then GENCTRLn.IDC must be set to IDC = 0


  • GENCTRLn.IDC must always be set to IDC = 0

Bit 13 – RUNSTDBY Run in Standby

This bit is used to keep the Generator running in Standby as long as it is configured to output to a dedicated GCLK_IO pin. If GENCTRLn.OE is zero, this bit has no effect and the generator will only be running if a peripheral requires the clock.

0The Generator is stopped in Standby and the GCLK_IO pin state (one or zero) will be dependent on the setting in GENCTRL.OOV.
1The Generator is kept running and output to its dedicated GCLK_IO pin during Standby mode.

Bit 12 – DIVSEL Divide Selection

This bit determines how the division factor of the clock source of the Generator will be calculated from DIV. If the clock source should not be divided, DIVSEL must be 0 and the GENCTRLn.DIV value must be either 0 or 1.

0The Generator clock frequency equals the clock source frequency divided by GENCTRLn.DIV.
1The Generator clock frequency equals the clock source frequency divided by 2^(N+1), where N is the Division Factor Bits for the selected generator (refer to GENCTRLn.DIV).

Bit 11 – OE Output Enable

This bit is used to output the Generator clock output to the corresponding pin (GCLK_IO), as long as GCLK_IO is not defined as the Generator source in the GENCTRLn.SRC bit field.

0No Generator clock signal on pin GCLK_IO.
1The Generator clock signal is output on the corresponding GCLK_IO, unless GCLK_IO is selected as a generator source in the GENCTRLn.SRC bit field.

Bit 10 – OOV Output Off Value

This bit is used to control the clock output value on pin (GCLK_IO) when the Generator is turned off or the OE bit is zero, as long as GCLK_IO is not defined as the Generator source in the GENCTRLn.SRC bit field.

0The GCLK_IO will be low when generator is turned off or when the OE bit is zero.
1The GCLK_IO will be high when generator is turned off or when the OE bit is zero.

Bit 9 – IDC Improve Duty Cycle

This bit is used to improve the duty cycle of the Generator output to 50/50 for odd division factors.

Note: If DIVSEL = 1 this bit must always be set to IDC = 0.

If DIVSEL = 0 and DIV = odd number then IDC = 1, else if DIV = even number IDC = 0.

0Generator output clock duty cycle is not balanced to 50/50 for odd division factors.
1Generator output clock duty cycle is 50/50.

Bit 8 – GENEN Generator Enable

This bit is used to enable and disable the Generator.

0Generator is disabled.
1Generator is enabled.

Bits 4:0 – SRC[4:0] Generator Clock Source Selection

These bits select the Generator clock source, as shown in this table.

Table 20-7. Generator Clock Source Selection


0x00XOSCXOSC Crystal/Clock Oscillator
0x01GCLK_GPIOnGenerator GPIO input pin
0x02 GCLK_GEN1Generic clock generator 1 (GCLK1)
0x03OSCULP32K (32.768KHz)Internal Ultra-Low Power 32K RC Oscillator
0x04XOSC32K (32.768KHz)32 kHz Crystal Oscillator
0x05DFLL48M Internal DFLL48M
0x06PLL0_CLKOUT1Digital Phase Lock Loop, PLL0 Output 1
0x07PLL0_CLKOUT2Digital Phase Lock Loop, PLL0 Output 2
0x08PLL0_CLKOUT3Digital Phase Lock Loop, PLL0 Output 3
0x09PLL0_CLKOUT4Digital Phase Lock Loop, PLL0 Output 4

Digital Phase Lock Loop,

PLL1 Fractional Divider Output 1


Digital Phase Lock Loop,

PLL1 Fractional Divider Output 2

0x0CPLL1_CLKOUT3Digital Phase Lock Loop, PLL1 Output 3
0x0DPLL1_CLKOUT4Digital Phase Lock Loop, PLL1 Output 4
Note: GENCTRL1.SRC = 0x2 is invalid for GCLK_GEN1 only.

Any reset will reset all the GENCTRLn registers. The Reset values of the GENCTRLn registers are shown in table below.

Table 20-8. GENCTRLn Reset Value after a Power Reset
GCLK GeneratorReset Value after a Power Reset
GCLK0 (GENCTRL0)GCLK.GENCTRL0 = 0x00000105 (DFLL48M, Internal 48MHz RC Oscillator, GCLK0 Enabled)

A User Reset will reset the associated GENCTRL register unless the Generator is the source of a locked Peripheral Channel (PCHCTRLm.WRTLOCK = 1). The reset values of the GENCTRL register are as shown in the table below.

Table 20-9. GENCTRLn Reset Value after a User Reset
GCLK GeneratorReset Value after a User Reset
GCLK0 (GENCTRL0)GCLK.GENCTRL0 = 0x00000105 (DFLL48M, Internal 48 MHz RC Oscillator, GCLK0 Enabled)
GCLK1 (GENCTRL1) - GCLK15 (GENCTRL15)GCLK.GENCTRL1- GCLK.GENCTRL15 = No change if the generator is used by a Peripheral Channel m with PCHCTRLm.WRTLOCK = 1

else 0x00000000