39.2 Features

The following are key features of the External Bus Interface:

  • Up to 24-bit Address Bus (up to 16 Mbytes linear per chip select)
  • Up to four Chip Selects
  • 8-bit or 16-bit Data Bus
  • Word, Halfword, Byte Transfers
  • Byte Write or Byte Select Lines
  • Programmable Setup, And Hold Time for Read Signals per Chip Select
  • Programmable Setup, And Hold Time for Write Signals per Chip Select
  • Programmable Data Float Time per Chip Select
  • Compliant with most LCD Module interfaces as well as FLASH, SRAM and DRAM
  • External Wait Request
  • Automatic Switch to Slow Clock Mode
  • Asynchronous Read in Page Mode Supported: Page Size Ranges from 4 to 32 Bytes