Operation From a Debug Adapter

Debug adapters should access the DSU registers in the external address range [0x0100 – 0x1FFF].

If DAL.CPU0 is equal to 0 or 3, accessing the first 0x100 bytes causes the DSU bus matrix to return an error to the DAP. See the following table for information.

Table 16-4. DAP MEM AP0 Transaction Authorizations and Error Response Types
DBG ConnectionDAL.CPU0DAP transaction allowed?
DSU internal address spaceDSU external address spaceOther
Cold-p0,3N (BE)Y N (BE)
Hot-p0,3N (APD)

BE: A Bus Error is sent back to the DAP setting its sticky bit error.

APD: Access port disabled. The transaction is discarded, the Debug Port (DP) sticky bit error is set.

Note: Refer to the ARM Debug Interface Architecture Specification for details.