6.7.2 Physical Device Sanitize Lock Freeze/Anti-Freeze

This feature is supported only on SATA drives that are connected to the controller. If the drive supports the Sanitize Lock Freeze feature, it may or may not support the Sanitize Lock Anti-freeze. Based on the support bit on the drive, the Sanitize Lock policy can be set from the controller and it will be applied on the drives that support Sanitize Freeze/Anti-Freeze.

The Sanitize Lock property is dependent upon the following conditions:

  • If the drive does not support Sanitize Erase, the Sanitize Lock property is not displayed.

  • If the drive supports Sanitize Erase but does not support Freeze/Anti-Freeze, then the Sanitize Lock property will be listed as "Not Applicable".

  • If the controller Sanitize Lock is in the Freeze state, then Sanitize Erase cannot be performed.

  • If the controller Sanitize Lock is in the Anti-Freeze or None state, then all Sanitize Erase commands can be performed.

Once the controller Sanitize Lock is in the freeze state, then Sanitize Erase operations will not be listed during the secure erase operation.