14.1.1 Creating a Server Template File

This procedure saves the configuration of a system that you want to use as a model for other servers in your storage space. It creates a server template file in XML format, which defines the controller type(s), operational settings, physical drive size, logical drive size, RAID level, and more. The default name of the server template file is ControllerConf.xml.

To create a server template file:

  1. In the Enterprise View, select a system.
  2. On the ribbon, in the System group, click Manage Configuration.

    The Manage Configuration wizard opens.

  3. Select Save Configuration, then click Next.
  4. Review the Summary information, then click Finish.
  5. When the File Download window opens, click Save File, then click OK.
    Note: The procedure for downloading and saving the template file may vary, depending on the Web browser.
  6. Continue with 14.1.2 Duplicating the Server Template to deploy the same configuration on multiple systems in your storage space.