3.1.1 Gather Installation Information

Prepare the following information:

  • Redfish Server port number: The default port is recommended (8081). If the default port is not available, another port number will be automatically assigned. For more information on the Redfish Server, see 2.2.1 About maxView Redfish Server .

  • maxView Web Server port number: The default port is recommended (8443). If the default port is not available, another port number will be automatically assigned. For more information on the Web Server, see 2.2.2 About the maxView Storage Manager Web Server.
Note: You can install maxView Storage Manager over an existing installation if it is no more than two versions older than the current release. Otherwise, you must remove the old version first, before beginning a new installation. See 3.6 Uninstalling maxView Storage Manager for details.

Check Network Configuration

Check your network configuration to ensure that it meets the prerequisites for a standard (non-Standalone Mode) installation:
  • Ensure that the system is configured with an IP address.

  • Ensure that the OS hostname is as per standard.

  • Ensure that the hostname-to-IP address mapping is updated in DNS. At minimum, ensure that the hostname-to-IP mapping is entered in the /etc/hosts file.

  • Ensure that firewall is enabled or network is configured to allow the connection to withstand for five minutes.