11.4.3 OSCCON3

Oscillator Control Register 3
  1. If CSWHOLD = 0, the user may not see this bit set (NOSCR = 1). When the oscillator becomes ready, there may be a delay of one instruction cycle before NOSCR is set. The clock switch occurs in the next instruction cycle and NOSCR is cleared.
Offset: 0x028F

Bit 76543210 
Access R/W/HCRR 
Reset 000 

Bit 7 – CSWHOLD Clock Switch Hold Control

1 Clock switch (and interrupt) will hold when the oscillator selected by NOSC is ready
0 Clock switch will proceed when the oscillator selected by NOSC is ready

Bit 4 – ORDY Oscillator Ready (read-only)

1 OSCCON1 = OSCCON2; the current system clock is the clock specified by NOSC
0 A clock switch is in progress

Bit 3 – NOSCR  New Oscillator is Ready (read-only)(1)

1 A clock switch is in progress and the oscillator selected by NOSC indicates a ‘ready’ condition
0 A clock switch is not in progress, or the NOSC-selected oscillator is not ready
If CSWHOLD = 0, the user may not see this bit set (NOSCR = 1). When the oscillator becomes ready, there may be a delay of one instruction cycle before NOSCR is set. The clock switch occurs in the next instruction cycle and NOSCR is cleared.