22 TMR1 - Timer1 Module with Gate Control
The Timer1 module is a 16-bit timer/counter with the following features:
- 16-bit timer/counter register pair (TMRxH:TMRxL)
- Programmable internal or external clock source
- 2-bit prescaler
- Clock source for optional comparator synchronization
- Multiple Timer1 gate (count enable) sources
- Interrupt-on-overflow
- Wake-up on overflow (external clock, Asynchronous mode only)
- 16-bit read/write operation
- Time base for the capture/compare function with the CCP modules
- Special event trigger (with CCP)
- Selectable gate source polarity
- Gate Toggle mode
- Gate Single Pulse mode
- Gate value status
- Gate event interrupt
Important: References to the module Timer1 apply to all
the odd numbered timers on this device.
- This signal comes from the pin selected by Timer1 PPS register.
- TMRx register increments on rising edge.
- Synchronize does not operate while in Sleep.
- See TxCLK for clock source selections.
- See TxGATE for gate source selections.
- Synchronized comparator output must not be used in conjunction with synchronized input clock.