30.5.10 Control F

Offset: 0x09
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bit 5 – FREERUN Free-Running

This bit controls whether the ADC Free-Running mode is enabled or not.

Note: Free-Running mode is not supported in Series mode.
0 The ADC Free-Running mode is disabled
1 The ADC Free-Running mode is enabled. A new conversion is started as soon as the previous conversion or accumulation has completed.

Bit 4 – LEFTADJ Left Adjust

This bit controls whether the ADC output is left adjusted or not.

0 The ADC output left adjustment is disabled
1 The ADC output left adjustment is enabled

Bits 3:0 – SAMPNUM[3:0] Sample Accumulation Number Select

This bit field controls the number of consecutive ADC samples that are accumulated automatically into the ADC Result (ADCn.RESULT) register. The most recent sample will be available in the ADC Sample (ADCn.SAMPLE) register.

0x0 NONE No accumulation, single sample per conversion result
0x1 ACC2 2 samples accumulated
0x2 ACC4 4 samples accumulated
0x3 ACC8 8 samples accumulated
0x4 ACC16 16 samples accumulated
0x5 ACC32 32 samples accumulated
0x6 ACC64 64 samples accumulated
0x7 ACC128 128 samples accumulated
0x8 ACC256 256 samples accumulated
0x9 ACC512 512 samples accumulated
0xA ACC1024 1024 samples accumulated
Other - Reserved