21.1.14 extended_run_lib

Note: This is not a Tcl command; it is a shell script that can be run from the command-line.

The extended_run_lib Tcl script enables you to run the multiple pass layout in batch mode from a command-line.

$ACTEL_SW_DIR/bin/libero script:$ACTEL_SW_DIR/scripts/extended_run_lib.tcl logfile:extended_run.log “script_args:-root path/designer/module_name [-n numPasses] [- starting_seed_index numIndex] [-compare_criteria value] [-c clockName] [-analysis value] [- slack_criteria value] [-stop_on_success] [-timing_driven|-standard] [-power_driven value] [-placer_high_effort value]”
Note: There is no option to save the design files from all the passes. Only the (Timing or Power) result reports from all the passes are saved.


-root path/designer/module_nameThe path to the root module located under the designer directory of the Libero project.
[-n ]numPassesSets the number of passes to run. The default number of passes is 5.
[-starting_seed_index ]numIndexIndicates the specific index into the array of random seeds which is to be the starting point for the passes. Value may range from 1 to 100. If not specified, the default behavior is to continue from the last seed index that was used.
[-compare_criteria ]value
Value Description
frequencyUse clock frequency as criteria for comparing the results between passes. This option can be used in conjunction with the -c option (described below).
violationsUse timing violations as criteria for comparing the results between passes. This option can be used in conjunction with the -analysis, -slack_criteria and - stop_on_success options (described below).
powerUse total power as criteria for comparing the results between passes, where lowest total power is the goal.
[-c ]clockNameApplies only when the clock frequency comparison criteria is used. Specifies the particular clock that is to be examined. If no clock is specified, then the slowest clock frequency in the design in a given pass is used. The clock name should match with one of the Clock Domains in the Summary section of the Timing report.
[-analysis ]valueApplies only when the timing violations comparison criteria is used. Specifies the type of timing violations (the slack) to examine. The following table shows the acceptable values for this argument:
Value Description
maxExamines timing violations (slack) obtained from maximum delay analysis. This is the default.
minExamines timing violations (slack) obtained from minimum delay analysis.
[-slack_criteria ]valueApplies only when the timing violations comparison criteria is used. Specifies how to evaluate the timing violations (slack). The type of timing violations (slack) is determined by the -analysis option. The following table shows the acceptable values for this argument:
Value Description
worstSets the timing violations criteria to Worst slack. For each pass obtains the most amount of negative slack (or least amount of positive slack if all constraints are met) from the timing violations report. The largest value out of all passes will determine the best pass. This is the default.
tnsSets the timing violations criteria to Total Negative Slack (tns). For each pass it obtains the sum of negative slack values from the first 100 paths from the timing violations report. The largest value out of all passes determines the best pass. If no negative slacks exist for a pass, then the worst slack is used to evaluate that pass.
[-stop_on_success]Applies only when the timing violations comparison criteria is used. The type of timing violations (slack) is determined by the -analysis option. Stops running the remaining passes if all timing constraints have been met (when there are no negative slacks reported in the timing violations report).
[-timing_driven|-standard]Sets layout mode to timing driven or standard (non-timing driven). The default is -timing_driven or the mode used in the previous layout command.
[-power_driven ]valueEnables or disables power-driven layout. The default is off or the mode used in the previous layout command. The following table shows the acceptable values for this argument:
Value Description
offDoes not run power-driven layout.
onEnables power-driven layout.
[-placer_high_effort ]valueSets placer effort level. The default is off or the mode used in the previous layout command. The following table shows the acceptable values for this argument:
Value Description
offRuns layout in regular effort.
onActivates high effort layout mode.


A nonzero value will be returned on error.