typedef struct {
int nMailConnections;
uint32_t serverReplyTmo;
uint32_t serverDataTmo;
uint32_t tlsHandshakeTmo;
int nMailRetries;
uint32_t serverRetryTmo;
uint32_t smtpcRetryTmo;
uint16_t sktTxBuffSize;
uint16_t sktRxBuffSize;



This data structure describes the SMTPC configuration data. It is presented to the module as part of the module initialization.


nMailConnectionsNumber of mail connections to be created each mail message to be sent requires a mail connection adjust based on the number of simultaneous mail messages in transit.
serverReplyTmoGeneral server response timeout, in seconds. Should be adjusted according to the server responsivity RFC specifies it as 5 min.
serverDataTmoServer response timeout to acknowledge a received mail body/data, in seconds. Should be adjusted according to the server responsivity RFC specifies it as 10 min.
tlsHandshakeTmoSecure connection establishment timeout, in seconds, usually few seconds.
nMailRetriesHow many times to retry sending a failed mail message. Retries occur only for server reported transient errors. Could be 0 if only one mail send is to be attempted, without retries.
serverRetryTmoThe retry interval because of a server transient error, in seconds. RFC specifies it should be at least 30 min.
smtpcRetryTmoThe retry interval because of a SMTPC temporary error, in seconds. These include temporary errors related to: DNS, socket connection, TLS.
sktTxBuffSizeSize of TX buffer for the associated socket; leave 0 for default.
sktRxBuffSizeSize of RX buffer for the associated socket; leave 0 for default.

