Library Interface

ARP_CACHE_DELETE_OLDOn initialization, delete the old cache if still in place Else don't re-initialize Default should be 1
TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_ENTRIESNumber of entries in the cache. Default number of entries per interface.
TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_ENTRY_RETRIESNumber of ARP requests generated for resolving an entry.
TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_PENDING_ENTRY_TMOTimeout for a cache entry pending to be solved, in seconds. The entry will be removed if the tmo elapsed and the entry has not been solved. A solved entry moves to the solved entries timeout.
TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_PENDING_RETRY_TMOTimeout for resending an ARP request for a pending entry. In order to prevent the ARP flooding the standard recommends it to be greater than 1 sec. It should be less than TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_PENDING_ENTRY_TMO
TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_PERMANENT_QUOTAMax percentage of permanent entries in the cache. Note that since permanent entries cannot be removed they tend to degrade the efficiency of the cache look up.
TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_PURGE_QUANTAThe number of entries to delete, once the threshold is reached.
TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_PURGE_THRESHOLDDefault purge threshold, percentage Once the number of resolved entries in the cache gets beyond the threshold some resolved entries will be purged.
TCPIP_ARP_CACHE_SOLVED_ENTRY_TMOTimeout for a solved entry in the cache, in seconds. The entry will be removed if the tmo elapsed and the entry has not been referenced again
TCPIP_ARP_GRATUITOUS_PROBE_COUNTNumber of ARP requests generated when sending a gratuitous ARP probe. Default value should be 1.
TCPIP_ARP_TASK_PROCESS_RATEARP task processing rate, in milliseconds. The ARP module will process a timer event with this rate for maintaining its own queues, processing timeouts, etc. Choose it so that the other ARP_CACHE_xxx_TMO are multiple of this The default value is 2 seconds. The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.
TCPIP_ARP_PRIMARY_CACHE_ONLYARP caches configuration for aliases. If this symbol is true, then the alias interfaces share the cache with the primary interface. Otherwise each interface uses its own cache. Default value should be 1 if the alias interfaces are in the same network with the primary interface
General Functions
TCPIP_ARP_HandlerDeRegisterDeregisters the event handler
TCPIP_ARP_HandlerRegisterRegister an ARP resolve handler.
TCPIP_ARP_EntryGetGets the current mapping for an IP address.
TCPIP_ARP_EntryRemoveRemoves the mapping of an address, even a permanent one
TCPIP_ARP_EntryRemoveNetRemoves all the entries belonging to a network interface.
TCPIP_ARP_EntrySetAdds an ARP cache entry for the specified interface.
TCPIP_ARP_IsResolvedDetermines if an ARP request has been resolved yet.
TCPIP_ARP_ProbeTransmits an ARP probe to resolve an IP address.
TCPIP_ARP_ResolveTransmits an ARP request to resolve an IP address.
TCPIP_ARP_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
Cache Manipulation Functions
TCPIP_ARP_CacheEntriesNoGetUsed to retrieve the number of entries for a specific interface.
TCPIP_ARP_CacheThresholdSetSets the cache threshold for the specified interface in percent.
TCPIP_ARP_EntryQueryQueries an ARP cache entry using the index of the cache line.
TCPIP_ARP_EntryRemoveAllRemoves all the mapping belonging to an interface.
Data Types and Constants
TCPIP_ARP_EVENT_HANDLERNotification handler that can be called when a specific entry is resolved.
TCPIP_ARP_EVENT_TYPEEvents reported by ARP.
TCPIP_ARP_RESULTARP results (success and failure codes).