TCPIP_MDNS_ServiceRegister Function


    const char * srv_name, 
    const char * srv_type, 
    uint16_t port, 
    const uint8_t * txt_record, 
    uint8_t auto_rename, 
    void (*call_back)(char *name, MDNSD_ERR_CODE err, void *context), 
    void * context


This function is used by end-user application to announce its service on local network. All peer machines that are compliant with Multicast DNS and DNS Service Discovery protocol can detect the announcement and lists out an entry in the Service Browser list. The end-user selects an entry to connect to this service. Ultimately this is an aid to end-user to discover any service of interest on a local network.

This is the first function that needs to be invoked by end-user application. Presently Multicast-DNS and Service discovery stack supports only single service advertisement. Once the application wants to terminate the service it has to invoke TCPIP_MDNS_ServiceDeregister() function to free the DNS SD stack for some other application.




netHHandle of the network to be registered.
srv_nameService name, which is being advertised.
srv_typeFor a HTTP-Service it's "__http._tcp.local".
__httpApplication protocol proceeded with an underscore.
_tcpLower-layer protocol on which service runs.
localTo represent service is on local-network. For iTunes Music Sharing "_daap._tcp.local" For a Printing Service "_ipp._tcp.local" Refer to for more service types.
portPort number on which service is running.
txt_lenFor additional information about service like default page (e.g., "index.htm") for HTTP-service. Length of such additional information.
txt_recordString of additional information (e.g., "index.htm") for HTTP service.
auto_renameA flag to indicate DNS-SD stack, whether to rename the service automatically or not. If this is set to '0' Callback parameter will be used to indicate the conflict error and user has to select different name and re-register with this function. If this is set to '1' service-name will be automatically renamed with numerical suffix.
callbackCallback function, which is user-application defined. This callback gets invoked on completion of service advertisement. If an service name-conflict error is detected and auto_rename is set to '0' callback gets invoked with MDNSD_ERR_CONFLICT as error-code.
contextOpaque context (pointer to opaque data), which needs to be used in callback function.


  • MDNSD_ERR_CODE - Returns Error-code to indicate whether or not registration is successful:

    • MDNSD_SUCCESS - returns on success of call.

    • MDNSD_ERR_BUSY - When already some other service is being advertised using this DNS SD stack.

    • MDNSD_ERR_INVAL - Invalid parameter.