ENCx24J600 Driver Library

The ENCx24J600 External MAC is an external module to the PIC32 that is connected through a SPI or PSP interface. This driver interfaces with the SPI driver to communicate with the external device to implement a complete Ethernet node in a system.

The following are some of the key features of this module:

  • Supports 10/100 Ethernet

    • Full-Duplex and Half-Duplex operation

    • Broadcast, Multicast and Unicast packets

    • Manual and automatic flow control

    • Supports Auto-MDIX

  • Fully configurable interrupts

  • Configurable receive packet filtering using:

    • 64-bit Hash Table

    • 64-byte Pattern Match

    • Magic Packet™ Filtering

    • Runt Packet Detection and Filtering

  • Supports Packet Payload Checksum calculation

  • CRC Check

  • Supports SPI interface