Library Interface

System Interaction FunctionsFunctions
DRV_ENCX24J600_DeinitializeDeinitializes the ENCx24J600 Driver Instance.
DRV_ENCX24J600_InitializeInitializes the ENCx24J600 Driver Instance, with the configuration data.
DRV_ENCX24J600_ReinitializeReinitializes the instance of the ENCX24J600 driver.
DRV_ENCX24J600_TasksMain task function for the driver.
DRV_ENCX24J600_SetMacCtrlInfoThis function sets the MAC control information for the driver.
DRV_ENCX24J600_StackInitializeThis function initializes the driver with a TCPIP_MAC_INIT object.
DRV_ENCX24J600_ProcessAdditional processing that happens outside the tasks function.
Client Level FunctionsFunctions
DRV_ENCX24J600_CloseCloses a client handle to the driver.
DRV_ENCX24J600_ConfigGetGets the current configuration.
DRV_ENCX24J600_LinkCheckThis function returns the status of the link.
DRV_ENCX24J600_OpenThis function is called by the client to open a handle to a driver instance.
DRV_ENCX24J600_ParametersGetGet the parameters of the device.
DRV_ENCX24J600_PowerModeThis function sets the power mode of the device.
DRV_ENCX24J600_RegisterStatisticsGetGet the register statistics.
DRV_ENCX24J600_StatisticsGetRetrieve the devices statistics.
DRV_ENCX24J600_StatusGets the current status of the driver.
Receive FunctionsFunctions
DRV_ENCX24J600_PacketRxReceive a packet from the driver.
DRV_ENCX24J600_RxFilterHashTableEntrySetThis function adds an entry to the hash table.
Transmit FunctionsFunctions
DRV_ENCX24J600_PacketTxThis function queues a packet for transmission.
Event FunctionsFunctions
DRV_ENCX24J600_EventAcknowledgeAcknowledges an event.
DRV_ENCX24J600_EventMaskSetSets the event mask.
DRV_ENCX24J600_EventPendingGetGets the current events.
Data Types and ConstantsTypes
DRV_ENCX24J600_ConfigurationDefines the data required to initialize or reinitialize the ENCX24J600 Driver.
DRV_ENCX24J600_MDIX_TYPEDefines the enumeration for controlling the MDIX select.