36.2.2 Extended Instruction Set

ADDFSR Add Literal to FSR
Syntax: ADDFSR f, k
Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 63

f ∈ [ 0, 1, 2 ]

Operation: FSR(f) + k → FSR(f)
Status Affected: None
Encoding: 1110 1000 ffkk kkkk
Description: The 6-bit literal ‘k’ is added to the contents of the FSR specified by ‘f’.
Words: 1
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read
literal ‘k’ Process Data Write to 
Example: ADDFSR 2, 23h
Before Instruction

FSR2 = 03FFh

After Instruction

FSR2 = 0422h

ADDULNK Add Literal to FSR2 and Return
Syntax: ADDULNK k
Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 63
Operation: FSR2 + k → FSR2,
(TOS) → PC
Status Affected: None
Encoding: 1110 1000 11kk kkkk
Description: The 6-bit literal ‘k’ is added to the contents of FSR2. A RETURN is then executed by loading the PC with the TOS.

The instruction takes two cycles to execute; a NOP is performed during the second cycle.

This may be thought of as a special case of the ADDFSR instruction, where f = 3 (binary ‘11’); it operates only on FSR2.

Words: 1
Cycles: 2
Q Cycle Activity:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read
literal ‘k’ Process Data Write to 
Operation No 
Operation No 
Operation No 
Example: ADDULNK 23h
Before Instruction

FSR2 = 03FFh

PC = 0100h

After Instruction

FSR2 = 0422h

PC = (TOS)

Important: All PIC18 instructions may take an optional label argument preceding the instruction mnemonic for use in symbolic addressing. If a label is used, the instruction syntax then becomes: {label} instruction argument(s).
CALLW Subroutine Call Using WREG
Syntax: CALLW
Operands: None
Operation: (PC + 2) → TOS,

(W) → PCL,



Status Affected: None
Encoding: 0000 0000 0001 0100
Description First, the return address (PC + 2) is pushed onto the return stack. Next, the contents of W are written to PCL; the existing value is discarded. Then, the contents of PCLATH and PCLATU are latched into PCH and PCU, 
respectively. The second cycle is 
executed as a NOP instruction while the new next instruction is fetched.

Unlike CALL, there is no option to update W, Status or BSR.

Words: 1
Cycles: 2
Q Cycle Activity:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read 
WREG PUSH PC to stack No 
operation No 
operation No 
operation No 
Before Instruction

PC = address (HERE)

PCLATH = 10h

PCLATU = 00h

W = 06h

After Instruction

PC = 001006h

TOS = address (HERE + 2)

PCLATH = 10h

PCLATU = 00h

W = 06h

MOVSF Move Indexed to f
Syntax: MOVSF [zs], fd
Operands: 0 ≤ zs ≤ 127

0 ≤ fd ≤ 4095

Operation: ((FSR2) + zs) → fd
Status Affected: None

1st word (source)

2nd word (destin.)









Description: The contents of the source register are moved to destination register ‘fd’. The actual address of the source register is determined by adding the 7-bit literal offset ‘zs’ in the first word to the value of FSR2. The address of the destination register is specified by the 12-bit literal ‘fd’ in the second word. Both addresses can be anywhere in the 4096-byte data space (000h to FFFh).

The MOVSF instruction cannot use the PCL, TOSU, TOSH or TOSL as the destination register.

If the resultant source address points to an Indirect Addressing register, the value returned will be 00h.

Words: 2
Cycles: 2
Q Cycle Activity:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Determine source addr Determine
source addr Read 
source reg
Decode No 

No dummy read

operation Write 
register ‘f’ (dest)
MOVSF   [05h], REG2
Before Instruction

FSR2 = 80h

of 85h = 33h

REG2 = 11h

After Instruction

FSR2 = 80h

of 85h = 33h

REG2 = 33h

MOVSS Move Indexed to Indexed
Syntax: MOVSS [zs], [zd]
Operands: 0 ≤ zs ≤ 127

0 ≤ zd ≤ 127

Operation: ((FSR2) + zs) → ((FSR2) + zd)
Status Affected: None

1st word (source)

2nd word (dest.)









Description The contents of the source register are moved to the destination register. The addresses of the source and destination registers are determined by adding the 7-bit literal offsets ‘zs’ or ‘zd’, 
respectively, to the value of FSR2. Both registers can be located anywhere in the 4096-byte data memory space (000h to FFFh).

The MOVSS instruction cannot use the PCL, TOSU, TOSH or TOSL as the destination register.

If the resultant source address points to an Indirect Addressing register, the value returned will be 00h. If the 
resultant destination address points to an Indirect Addressing register, the instruction will execute as a NOP.

Words: 2
Cycles: 2
Q Cycle Activity:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Determine source addr Determine
source addr Read 
source reg
Decode Determine
dest addr Determine
dest addr Write 
to dest reg
MOVSS [05h], [06h]
Before Instruction

FSR2 = 80h


of 85h = 33h


of 86h = 11h

After Instruction

FSR2 = 80h


of 85h = 33h


of 86h = 33h

PUSHL Store Literal at FSR2, Decrement FSR2
Syntax: PUSHL k
Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation: k → (FSR2),

FSR2 – 1 → FSR2

Status Affected: None
Encoding: 1111 1010 kkkk kkkk
Description: The 8-bit literal ‘k’ is written to the data memory address specified by FSR2. FSR2 is decremented by 1 after the operation.

This instruction allows users to push values onto a software stack.

Words: 1
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read ‘k’ Process
data Write to
Before Instruction


Memory (01ECh) = 00h

After Instruction


Memory (01ECh) = 08h

SUBFSR Subtract Literal from FSR
Syntax: SUBFSR f, k
Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 63
f ∈ [ 0, 1, 2 ]
Operation: FSR(f) – k → FSRf
Status Affected: None
Encoding: 1110 1001 ffkk kkkk
Description: The 6-bit literal ‘k’ is subtracted from the contents of the FSR specified by ‘f’.
Words: 1
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read
register ‘f’ Process Data Write to 
Example: SUBFSR 2, 23h
Before Instruction

FSR2 = 03FFh

After Instruction

FSR2 = 03DCh

SUBULNK Subtract Literal from FSR2 and Return
Syntax: SUBULNK k
Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 63
Operation: FSR2 – k → FSR2
(TOS) → PC
Status Affected: None
Encoding: 1110 1001 11kk kkkk
Description: The 6-bit literal ‘k’ is subtracted from the contents of the FSR2. A RETURN is then executed by loading the PC with the TOS.

The instruction takes two cycles to 
execute; a NOP is performed during the second cycle.

This may be thought of as a special case of the SUBFSR instruction, where f = 3 (binary ‘11’); it operates only on FSR2.

Words: 1
Cycles: 2
Q Cycle Activity:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read
register ‘f’ Process Data Write to 
Operation No
Operation No
Operation No
Example: SUBULNK 23h
Before Instruction

FSR2 = 03FFh

PC = 0100h

After Instruction

FSR2 = 03DCh

PC = (TOS)