1.3.2 SmartDesign Enhancements

Libero SoC v2021.3 adds the following new features to the SmartDesign tool, enhancing the front-end design entry capability.

  • The Flattening Hierarchical SmartDesign option has been added, which allows hierarchical SmartDesign instances to be flattened within a SmartDesign canvas. This option is an indirect undo of Creating a Hierarchical SmartDesign.
  • The Memory Map dialog box is now a docking window available as a split view in the SmartDesign canvas similar to the Smart Search and Connect and Synthesis Attributes windows. This enhances the user experience significantly by providing simultaneous access to both the design and the memory map. The memory map can be refreshed from the toolbar if the design has been modified. Also, users can cross probe from the Memory Map window to the SmartDesign canvas.
  • Design Rule Checks have been added to identify AMBA bus interface data and ID width mismatches between initiators and targets while generating a SmartDesign component. The AMBA bus interface data and ID width mismatch DRCs are warnings by default. Users can choose to upgrade the DRCs to errors from Libero Project Settings. The option to upgrade or downgrade the Memory Map DRCs is now available as a Libero Project Setting instead of a Libero Preference. Tcl command support has been added for these new project settings.
  • Update Component/Instance Version (previously called Replace Component/Instance Version) functionality and dialog user interface have been enhanced, including support for automatic download of the selected core version if needed. The Update Component Version option is now available on instances of core components in a SmartDesign canvas as well. Tcl command support has been added for the same. The option to update the interface(port-list) of a core component's instance in a SmartDesign canvas has been renamed to from Update Component to Update Instance.
  • Right-click menu options on SmartDesign canvas objects have been reorganized to now show important functional ones at the top.
  • Wildcard support has been added to the Tcl commands for downloading cores, creating core components, and updating core versions.

For more information, see Revision History in the SmartDesign User Guide.