7 Port DFU Demo Code

The reference code is designed for easy porting to other MCU and its framework, if the user is not using SAMG55 XPRO board and MPLAB® Harmony framework.

The hardware relevant API is declared in the HW_IF header file. If there is any need for modification, the user needs to modify these nine macros; see the following figure. The nine API are categorized into three types:
  • GPIO control
  • UART interface
  • Delay API (optional for more responsiveness)
Figure 7-1. Macros for Porting
Note: The BM78-1V38-DFU-log-32Byte.sal UART log file in saleae Logic2 format is only given for reference. Go to github.com/MicrochipTech/BM78_DFU_with_SAMG55 for the UART log file in saleae Logic2 format related to the port DFU demo code.