34.5.2 Status B

Offset: 0x01
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access RRR 
Reset 000 

Bits 2:0 – PESIG[2:0] UPDI Error Signature

These bits describe the UPDI Error Signature and are set when an internal UPDI error condition occurs. The PESIG field is cleared on a read from the debugger.

Table 34-7. Valid Error Signatures
PESIG[2:0] Error Type Error Description
0x0 No error No error detected (Default)
0x1 Parity error Wrong sampling of the parity bit
0x2 Frame error Wrong sampling of frame Stop bits
0x3 Access Layer Time-out Error UPDI can get no data or response from the Access layer. Examples of error cases are system domain in Sleep or system domain Reset.
0x4 Clock Recovery error Wrong sampling of frame Start bit
0x5 - Reserved
0x6 Reserved Reserved
0x7 Contention error Signalize Driving Contention on the UPDI RXD/TXD line