3.4.12 Tamper Pins Connector

The SAMA7G54-EK board features four tamper pins for static or dynamic intrusion detections.

For a description of intrusion detection, refer to the SAMA7G5 Series data sheet, section “Security Module (SECUMOD)”. See Reference Documents.

Figure 3-52. Tamper Pin Connector Schematic

The table below describes the pin assignment of PIOBU connector J14.

Table 3-43. PIOBU Connector J14 Pin Assignment
Signal Name Signal Description Pin No. Pin No. Signal Description Signal Name
GND Ground 1 2 Ground GND
PIOBU0 Tamper I/O 0 3 4 Tamper I/O 1 PIOBU1
PIOBU2 Tamper I/O 2 5 6 Tamper I/O 3 PIOBU3
GND Ground 7 8 Ground GND