6.1.9 Assembler Directives

Assembler directives, or pseudo-ops, are used in a similar way to instruction mnemonics. With the exception of PAGESEL and BANKSEL, these directives do not generate instructions. The DB, DW and DDW directives place data bytes into the current psect. The directives are listed in the following sections.

Table 6-6. Assembler Directives
ALIGNAligns output to the specified boundary.
ASMOPTControls whether subsequent code is optimized by the assembler.
BANKISELGenerates code to select bank of operand for indirect access on some devices.
BANKSELGenerates code to select bank of operand.
CALLSTACKIndicates the call stack depth remaining.
CONDControls inclusion of conditional code in the listing file.
CONFIGSpecifies configuration bits.
DABSDefines absolute storage.
DBDefines constant byte(s).
DDWDefines double-width constant word(s).
DEBUG_SOURCEControls debug information.
DLABSDefine linear-memory absolute storage.
DSReserves storage.
DWDefines constant word(s).
ELSEAlternates conditional assembly.
ELSIFAlternates conditional assembly.
ENDIFEnds conditional assembly.
ENDEnds assembly.
ENDMEnds macro definition.
EQUDefines symbol value.
ERRORGenerates a user-defined error.
ERRORLEVELControl all error, warning, and advisory messages.
EXPANDControls expansion of assembler macros in the listing file.
EXTRNLinks with global symbols defined in other modules.
FILEIndicates the source file that contains the assembly code following.
GLOBALMakes symbols accessible to other modules or allow reference to other global symbols defined in other modules.
IFConditional assembly.
INCLUDETextually includes the content of the specified file.
IRPRepeats a block of code with a list.
IRPCRepeats a block of code with a character list.
LINEIndicates the line number of the current source file that contains the assembly code following.
LISTDefines options for listing file.
LOCALDefines local tabs.
MACROMacro definition.
MESSGGenerates a user-defined advisory message.
NOCONDControls inclusion of conditional code in the listing file.
NOEXPANDControls expansion of assembler macros in the listing file.
NOLISTDisable assembly listing.
ORGSets location counter within current psect.
PAGELENSpecifies the length of the listing file page.
PAGESELGenerates set/clear instruction to set PCLATH bits for this page.
PAGEWIDTHSpecifies the width of the listing file page.
PROCESSORDefines the particular chip for which this file is to be assembled.
PSECTDeclares or resumes program section.
PUBLICMakes non-EXTRN symbols accessible to other modules or allow reference to other global symbols defined in other modules.
RADIXSpecifies radix for numerical constants.
REPTRepeats a block of code n times.
SETDefines or re-defines symbol value.
SIGNATDefines function signature.
SUBTITLESpecifies the subtitle of the program for the listing file.
TITLESpecifies the title of the program for the listing file.
WARNGenerates a user-defined warning.