6.1.9 Assembler Directives
Assembler directives, or pseudo-ops, are used in a similar way to
instruction mnemonics. With the exception of PAGESEL
, these directives do not generate instructions. The
, DW
and DDW
directives place data
bytes into the current psect. The directives are listed in the following sections.
Directive | Purpose |
ALIGN | Aligns output to the specified boundary. |
ASMOPT | Controls whether subsequent code is optimized by the assembler. |
BANKISEL | Generates code to select bank of operand for indirect access on some devices. |
BANKSEL | Generates code to select bank of operand. |
CALLSTACK | Indicates the call stack depth remaining. |
COND | Controls inclusion of conditional code in the listing file. |
CONFIG | Specifies configuration bits. |
DABS | Defines absolute storage. |
DB | Defines constant byte(s). |
DDW | Defines double-width constant word(s). |
DEBUG_SOURCE | Controls debug information. |
DLABS | Define linear-memory absolute storage. |
DS | Reserves storage. |
DW | Defines constant word(s). |
ELSE | Alternates conditional assembly. |
ELSIF | Alternates conditional assembly. |
ENDIF | Ends conditional assembly. |
END | Ends assembly. |
ENDM | Ends macro definition. |
EQU | Defines symbol value. |
ERROR | Generates a user-defined error. |
ERRORLEVEL | Control all error, warning, and advisory messages. |
EXPAND | Controls expansion of assembler macros in the listing file. |
EXTRN | Links with global symbols defined in other modules. |
FILE | Indicates the source file that contains the assembly code following. |
GLOBAL | Makes symbols accessible to other modules or allow reference to other global symbols defined in other modules. |
IF | Conditional assembly. |
INCLUDE | Textually includes the content of the specified file. |
IRP | Repeats a block of code with a list. |
IRPC | Repeats a block of code with a character list. |
LINE | Indicates the line number of the current source file that contains the assembly code following. |
LIST | Defines options for listing file. |
LOCAL | Defines local tabs. |
MACRO | Macro definition. |
MESSG | Generates a user-defined advisory message. |
NOCOND | Controls inclusion of conditional code in the listing file. |
NOEXPAND | Controls expansion of assembler macros in the listing file. |
NOLIST | Disable assembly listing. |
ORG | Sets location counter within current psect. |
PAGELEN | Specifies the length of the listing file page. |
PAGESEL | Generates set/clear instruction to set PCLATH bits for this page. |
PAGEWIDTH | Specifies the width of the listing file page. |
PROCESSOR | Defines the particular chip for which this file is to be assembled. |
PSECT | Declares or resumes program section. |
PUBLIC | Makes non-EXTRN symbols accessible to other
modules or allow reference to other global symbols defined in other
modules. |
RADIX | Specifies radix for numerical constants. |
REPT | Repeats a block of code n times. |
SET | Defines or re-defines symbol value. |
SIGNAT | Defines function signature. |
SUBTITLE | Specifies the subtitle of the program for the listing file. |
TITLE | Specifies the title of the program for the listing file. |
WARN | Generates a user-defined warning. |