3.2.3 Hardware Configuration and Test Points

Hardware Configuration

The default hardware configuration of the user interface block connects the QVGA LCD Display is connected through parallel interface (with EBI). To switch to the serial interface (with SPI):

  • Remove the 0Ω R44 and R52 resistors

  • Mount the 0Ω R48 and R54 resistors

Test points

A few test points covering the user interface block have been placed on the Atmel AT32UC3C-EK for the verification of important signals.

Table 3-7. Power Supply Block Test Points
TP1Input voltage on the AT32UC3C0512C RESET_N pin depending on the state of the RST push-button
TP101-106Input Capacitive Touch Buttons CS1-CS6
TP41Input voltage on the AT32UC3C0512C PB0 pin depending on the state of the PB0 push-button
TP40Input voltage on the AT32UC3C0512C PB1 pin depending on the state of the PB1 push-button
TP42Voltage level on LED0
TP43Voltage level on LED1
TP44Voltage level on LED2
TP45Voltage level on LED3