3.2.1 Overview
The main user interface offered by the kit is the touch user interface consisting of the:
6x button sensors interfaced through the TWI interface of the Atmel AT32UC3C0512C and a QVGA LCD display interfaced through the EBI interface of the AT32UC3C0512C with touch screen interfaced through the ADCIFA interface of the AT32UC3C0512C
4x general purpose LEDs (labeled LED0, LED1, LED2, and LED3) connected to the AT32UC3C0512C
The 2x push-button labeled PB0 and PB1 used as general purpose push-button
The push-buttons labeled RST used to generate an external reset to the AT32UC3C0512C
An audio jack header is connected to one channel of the DACIFB IP of the AT32UC3C0512C
A microphone and a potentiometer each connected to one channel of the ADCIFA interface of the AT32UC3C0512C
Note that there are other user interface components in the kit, these are related to:
The USB Interface is presented in USB Interface
The Virtual Com Port Interface is presented in USB Interface