3.2.1 Overview

The main user interface offered by the kit is the touch user interface consisting of the:

  • 6x button sensors interfaced through the TWI interface of the Atmel AT32UC3C0512C and a QVGA LCD display interfaced through the EBI interface of the AT32UC3C0512C with touch screen interfaced through the ADCIFA interface of the AT32UC3C0512C

  • 4x general purpose LEDs (labeled LED0, LED1, LED2, and LED3) connected to the AT32UC3C0512C

  • The 2x push-button labeled PB0 and PB1 used as general purpose push-button

  • The push-buttons labeled RST used to generate an external reset to the AT32UC3C0512C

  • An audio jack header is connected to one channel of the DACIFB IP of the AT32UC3C0512C

  • A microphone and a potentiometer each connected to one channel of the ADCIFA interface of the AT32UC3C0512C

Note that there are other user interface components in the kit, these are related to:

Figure 3-6. AT32UC3C-EK Top View User Interface Location
Figure 3-7. AT32UC3C-EK Bottom View User Interface Location