3.5.12 How Can I Find Stack Usage Information For Each Function of My Program?

The compiler's stack guidance feature analyzes your program and reports on the estimated maximum depth of any stack that has been used. If you need stack depth information displayed individually for each function in your program, you will need to perform an additional step after you build.

Use the MPLAB XC32 -mchp-stack-usage option when you build your program. Then use the xc32-objdump utility and its -D option with the object file containing the functions whose stack depth is required. You might need to use the compiler's -save-temps option when you build the project so that the object files needed for this utility are not deleted after compilation.

For example, to see the stack information for all the functions in the main.o module, the following commands could be issued.
xc32-gcc -mprocessor=32MZ2048ECH100 -save-temps -mchp-stack-usage main.c init.c
xc32-objdump -D main.o
The output of xc32-objdump utility might show you something similar to the following.
XC32 stack usage information:
	used_stack: 0x70
	flags: 0x0
	kind: STATIC
	used_stack: 0x8
	flags: 0x0
	kind: STATIC
XC32 Stack Usage Version: 0x1