18.2.1 Loading User/Device Configuration Registers

The non-BCFG system configuration registers (CFGCON* and CFGCON(L)*) are available in a memory mapped area under software-based locking control.

The following registers that do not have permanent storage:
  • Wi-Fi (RF, BBP, PHY) System Configurations
  • Calibration values, System PLL
  • CRU clock switching
  • Analog calibration values

For these registers, the firmware (boot code and/or application code) must allocate nonvolatile storage of system configuration values and load them into the memory mapped system configuration registers during a device boot. The recommended non-volatile storage space in NVR boot memory is shown in the Flash Memory Organization table. See Flash Memory Organization from Related Links.

In general, if the Reset value or Flash-loaded value of a system configuration register is the value that is required, then it is not necessary to load the system configuration register during a device boot.