18.4.10 Boot Configuration 0

Note: Safe value of BCFG0 is 0xFFFF_FFFF as applicable only to the implemented bits.
Name: BCFG0
Offset: 0x200
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access RRR 
Reset ccc 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Bit 76543210 
Access R 
Reset c 

Bit 31 – BINFOVALID0 First 256-bit BCFG information is valid

  1. This bit is added to provide a mechanism to determine if information coming from Flash is valid or invalid. The BCFG area is critical to the device boot-up.
  2. Trusted FBCFG* data = (BINFOVALID = 0) and (BCFGFAIL = 0).
  3. It is recommended that the application program this bit to zero for proper operation.
1 FBCFG0 to FBCFG5 is not valid (Untrusted, Flash values are ignored and safe values are used)
0 FBCFG0 to FBCFG5 is valid (Trusted and loaded from Flash)

Bit 29 – SIGN Flash SIGN bit

1 Unsigned
0 Signed

Bit 28 – CP Boot Code Protect (~FCPN0.CPN && ~FSIGN0.SIGN).

1 Protection is enabled
0 Protection is disabled

Bit 1 – PCSCMODE PCHE Single Cache mode

1 PCHE ICache Only. CPU Instructions (code, data) go to PCHE ICache only.
0 PCHE ICache and DCache. CPU opcodes go to PCEHE ICache port and data goes to PCHE DCache port.