9.12.1 CHECON - Prefetch Module Control Register

Offset: 0x00
Reset: 0x0700010F
Property: -

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 111 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR 
Reset 00 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 0001111 

Bit 26 – ACHEEN Peripheral Data Cache Enable bit

1Caching is enabled
0Caching is disabled (and all lines invalidated)

Bit 25 – DCHEEN Data Cache Enable bit

1Caching is enabled
0Caching is disabled (and all lines invalidated)

Bit 24 – ICHEEN Instruction Data Cache Enable bit

1Caching is enabled
0Caching is disabled (and all lines invalidated)

Bit 22 – ACHEINV Manual Invalidate Control for Peripheral Data Cache

Note: The hardware auto clears this bit when cache invalidate completes. Bits may clear at different times.
1Force invalidate cache/invalidate busy
0Cache invalidation follows ACHECOH/invalid complete

Bit 21 – DCHEINV Manual Invalidate Control for Data Cache

Note: The hardware auto clears this bit when cache invalidate completes. Bits may clear at different times.
1Force invalidate cache/invalidate busy
0Cache invalidation follows DCHECOH/invalid complete

Bit 20 – ICHEINV Manual Invalidate Control for Instruction Cache

  1. The Predictive Prefetch Buffer (PFB) is included with iCache invalidate.
  2. The hardware auto clears this bit when cache invalidate completes. Bits may clear at different times.
1Force invalidate cache/invalidate busy
0Cache invalidation follows ICHECOH/invalid complete

Bit 18 – ACHECOH Auto Cache Coherency Control for Peripheral Data Cache

Note: ACHECOH must be stable before initiation of programming to ensure correct invalidation of data.
1Auto invalidate cache on a programming event
0No auto invalidated cache on a programming event

Bit 17 – DCHECOH Auto Cache Coherency Control for Data Cache

Note: DCHECOH must be stable before initiation of programming to ensure correct invalidation of data.
1Auto invalidate cache on a programming event
0No auto invalidated cache on a programming event

Bit 16 – ICHECOH Auto Cache Coherency Control for Instruction Cache

Note: ICHECOH must be stable before initiation of programming to ensure correct invalidation of data.
1Auto invalidate cache on a programming event
0No auto invalidated cache on a programming event

Bit 12 – CHEPERF Cache Performance Counters Enable

Note: Performance counters are reset on 0 to 1 transition of this bit.
1Performance counters is enabled
0Performance counters is disabled

Bit 8 – ADRWS Address Wait State

Address Wait state is hard wired to ‘0’ for higher performance at the clock frequency.

Bit 7 – PFMSECEN Flash Single-bit Error Corrected (SEC) Interrupt Enable bit

1Generate an interrupt when PFMSEC is set
0Do not generate an interrupt when PFMSEC is set

Bits 5:4 – PREFEN[1:0] Instruction Predictive Prefetch Enable

Note: Other values are unavailable.
01Instruction predictive prefetch enabled for cacheable regions only
00Instruction predictive prefetch disabled

Bits 3:0 – PFMWS[3:0] PFM Access Time Defined in Terms of SYSCLK Wait States bits

Total Flash Wait states are ADRWS + PFMWS.
  1. This is not the Wait state seen by the CPU.
  2. For the Wait states to SYSCLK relationship, see Electrical Characteristics from Related Links.
1111Fifteen Wait states
1110Fourteen Wait states
0001One Wait state
0000Zero Wait state