17.4.3 DMT Count Windowed Interval
The DMT module has the Windowed Operation mode. The DMT interval (DMTINV[2:0]) bits in the Configuration Control Register 2 (CFGCON2) fuse register sets the window interval value. The PSINTV[31:0] bits in DMT interval post status register (DMTPSINTV) allows the software to read the DMT window interval value. That means this register reads the value that is written to the DMT interval (DMTINV[2:0]) bits in the Configuration Control Register 2 (CFGCON2) fuse register.
In the Windowed mode, software can clear the DMT only when the counter is in its final window before a count match occurs. That is, if the DMT counter value is greater than or equal to the value written to the window interval value, only then the DMT clear sequence can be executed in the DMT module. If the DMT is cleared before the allowed window, a DMT reset event is immediately generated.