3.2 Override Prefix
When the +
prefix precedes an input file or option, the
data obtained from that file or the data generated by that option will take priority and be
forced into the output file, silently overwriting any other data existing at the same
addresses. Without this prefix, Hexmate will issue an error if two
sources try to store differing data at the same location.
Important: Use this prefix with care, as it suppresses any warnings concerning data overwrite, which
might lead to code failure.
For example, if
contains data at address 0x1000, the command
used with the -string
option):hexmate input.hex +-string@1000="My string"
will have the string specified by the
placed at address 0x1000 in the output file and the data at the same address in the input
file will not appear in the output; however, if you were to use the command (no use of the
prefix):hexmate input.hex -string@1000="My string"
error would be triggered, alerting you to the data conflict.The override prefix can also be used with files to indicate that one file should take
precedence over another should they contain conflicting data at the same address. So for
example if two files were being merged, you could use the
hexmate +base.hex auxillary_data.hex
indicate that the content of base.hex
should take priority.