3.7 Electrical Characteristics - SPI

Some clarifications have been made to the Timing Specifications in Host Mode and Timing Specifications in Client Mode tables. Note that some rows have been deleted.

Table 35-19. SPI - Timing Specifications in Host Mode

fSCK *SCK clock frequencyfCLK_PER/2MHz
TSCK *SCK period2 × TCLK_PERns
tSCKWSCK high/low width0.5 × TSCKns
tMIHMISO hold after SCK0ns
tMOSMOSI setup to SCK0.5 × TSCKns
tMOHMOSI hold after SCK0.5 × TSCKns

Unless otherwise specified, data found in the “Typ.” column is at TA = 25°C and VDD = 3.0V. These parameters are not tested and are for design guidance only.

* These parameters are characterized but not tested in production.

Table 35-20. SPI - Timing Specifications in Client Mode

fSSCK *Client SCK clock frequencyfCLK_PER/6MHz
TSSCK *Client SCK period6 × TCLK_PERns
tSSCKW *SCK high/low width3 × TCLK_PERns
tSIS *MOSI setup to SCK0ns
tSIH *MOSI hold after SCK3 × TCLK_PERns
tSSS *SS setup to SCKTCLK_PERns
tSSH *SS hold after SCKTCLK_PERns
tSOSMISO valid after SCKtSRnsfSSCK ≥ fCLK_PER/6


tSOSSMISO setup after SS lowtSRns
tSOSHMISO hold after SS lowtSRns

Unless otherwise specified, data found in the “Typ.” column is at TA = 25°C and VDD = 3.0V. These parameters are not tested and are for design guidance only.

* These parameters are characterized but not tested in production.