1.2 CCP Timer Resources

The CCP modules utilize both the 8-bit and 16-bit timers, depending on the CCP mode. Table 1-1 shows the timer resources available to the CCP in Capture, Compare and PWM modes.

All the CCP modules can be active at once and share the same timer resource, so long as they are configured to operate in the same mode at the same time. For example, if CCP1 and CCP2 are both operating in PWM mode, they both can use Timer2 as the timer resource.

Table 1-1. CCP Timer Resources
CCP ModeTimer Resource
CaptureTimer0 (16-bit mode), Timer1, Timer3 or Timer5
PWMTimer2, Timer4 or Timer6
Important: Timer1 is the default timer resource for Capture and Compare modes while Timer2 is the default resource for PWM mode.