9.10.21 space (space)

Normally, the compiler allocates variables in general data space. The space attribute can be used to direct the compiler to allocate a variable in specific memory spaces. Memory spaces are discussed further in 11.1 Address Spaces The following arguments to the space attribute are accepted:
  • data – Allocate the variable in general data space. Variables in general data space can be accessed using ordinary C statements. This is the default allocation.
  • dataflash – Allocate the variable in dataflash.
  • xmemory - dsPIC30F, dsPIC33EP/F DSCs only – Allocate the variable in X data space. Variables in X data space can be accessed using ordinary C statements. An example of xmemory space allocation is:
    int x[32] __attribute__ ((space(xmemory)));

    Depending on the device, other attributes may need to be used with space() for xmemory, such as 9.10.5 eds and 9.10.2 aligned (alignment).

  • ymemory - dsPIC30F, dsPIC33EP/F DSCs only – Allocate the variable in Y data space. Variables in Y data space can be accessed using ordinary C statements. An example of ymemory space allocation is:
    int y[32] __attribute__ ((space(ymemory)));

    Depending on the device, other attributes may need to be used with space() for ymemory, such as 9.10.5 eds and 9.10.2 aligned (alignment).

  • prog – Allocate the variable in program space, in a section designated for executable code. Variables in program space can not be accessed using ordinary C statements. They must be explicitly accessed by the programmer, usually using table-access inline assembly instructions, the Program Space Visibility (PSV) window, or by the methods described in 11.3.2 Access of Objects in Program Memory
  • auto_psv

    Allocate the variable in program space, in a compiler-managed section designated for automatic Program Space Visibility (PSV) window access. Variables in auto_psv space can be read (but not written) using ordinary C statements, and are subject to a maximum of 32K total space allocated. When specifying space(auto_psv), it is not possible to assign a section name using the section attribute; any section name will be ignored with a warning. A variable in the auto_psv space cannot be placed at a specific address or given a reverse alignment.

    Note: Variables placed in the auto_psv section are not loaded into data memory at startup. This attribute may be useful for reducing RAM usage.
  • dma - dsPIC33E/F DSCs only – Allocate the variable in DMA memory. Variables in DMA memory can be accessed using ordinary C statements and by the DMA peripheral. __builtin_dmaoffset() and __builtin_dmapage() can be used to find the correct offset for configuring the DMA peripheral. See 28 Built-in Functions for details.
     #include <xc.h>
     unsigned int BufferA[8] __attribute__((space(dma)));
     unsigned int BufferB[8] __attribute__((space(dma)));
     int main()
       DMA1STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(BufferA);
       DMA1STB = __builtin_dmaoffset(BufferB);
       /* ... */ 
  • psv – Allocate the variable in program space, in a section designated for Program Space Visibility (PSV) window access. The linker will locate the section so that the entire variable can be accessed using a single setting of the PSVPAG register. Variables in PSV space are not managed by the compiler and can not be accessed using ordinary C statements. They must be explicitly accessed by the programmer, usually using table-access inline assembly instructions, or using the PSV window.
  • eedata - dsPIC30F/33F DSCs only – Allocate the variable in EEPROM Data (EEData) space. Variables in EEData space can not be accessed using ordinary C statements. They must be explicitly accessed by the programmer, usually using table-access inline assembly instructions, or using the Program Space Visibility (PSV) window.
  • pmp– Allocate the variable in off chip memory associated with the PMP peripheral. For complete details please see the 11.4 Parallel Master Port Access section.
  • external – Allocate the variable in a user defined memory space. For complete details please see the11.5 External Memory Access section.