22.14 Library Functions

Implementation-Defined Behavior for Library Functions is covered in section G.3.14 of the ANSI C Standard.

What is the null pointer constant to which the macro NULL expands? (ISO 7.1.5)


How is the diagnostic printed by the assert function recognized, and what is the termination behavior of this function? (ISO 7.2)

The assert function prints the file name, line number and test expression, separated by the colon character (‘:’). It then calls the abort function.

What characters are tested for by the isalnum, isalpha, iscntrl, islower, isprint and isupper functions? (ISO 7.3.1)

Table 22-5. Characters Tested by is Functions
FunctionCharacters tested
isalnumOne of the letters or digits: isalpha or isdigit.
isalphaOne of the letters: islower or isupper.
iscntrlOne of the five standard motion control characters, backspace and alert: \f, \n, \r, \t, \v, \b, \a.
islowerOne of the letters ‘a’ through ‘z’.
isprintA graphic character or the space character: isalnum or ispunct or space.
isupperOne of the letters ‘A’ through ‘Z’.
ispunctOne of the characters: ! “ # % & ' ( ) ; < = > ? [ \ ] * + , - . / : ^

What values are returned by the mathematics functions after a domain errors? 
(ISO 7.5.1)


Do the mathematics functions set the integer expression errno to the value of the macro ERANGE on underflow range errors? (ISO 7.5.1)


Do you get a domain error or is zero returned when the fmod function has a second argument of zero? (ISO

Domain error.