11.4 Parallel Master Port Access [DD]
Some devices contain a Parallel Master Port (PMP) peripheral which allows the connection of various memory and non-memory devices directly to the device. Access to the peripheral is controlled via a selection of peripherals. More information about this peripheral can be found in your device Family Reference Manual (FRM) or data sheet.
Note: PMP attributes are not supported on devices with EPMP. Use
Extended Data Space (EDS) instead (see the Extended Data Space Access [DD] section).
The peripheral can require a substantial amount of configuration, depending upon the type and brand of memory device that is connected. This configuration is not done automatically by the compiler.
The extensions presented here allow the definition of a variable as PMP. This means that the compiler will communicate with the PMP peripheral to access the variable.
To use this feature:
- Initialize PMP
- define the initialization function:
void __init_PMP(void)
- Declare a New Memory Space
- Define Variables within PMP Space