6.2.1 The Compiler Applications

The MPLAB® XC-DSC compiles C source files, producing assembly language files. These compiler-generated files are assembled and linked with other object files and libraries to produce the final application program in executable ELF file format. The ELF file can be loaded into the MPLAB® X IDE, where it can be tested and debugged, or the conversion utility can be used to convert the ELF file to Intel® hex format, suitable for loading into the command-line simulator or a device programmer. A software development tools data flow diagram is shown in the MPLAB X IDE Projects section.

The driver program will call the required internal compiler applications. These applications are shown as the smaller boxes inside the large driver box. The temporary file produced by each application can also be seen in this diagram.

The following table lists the compiler applications. The names shown are the names of the executables, which can be found in the bin directory under the compiler’s installation directory. Your PATH environment variable should include this directory.

Table 6-2. Compiler Application Names
xc-dsc-gccCommand line driver; the interface to the compiler
xc-dsc-asAssembler (based on the target device)
xc-dsc-bin2hexConversion utility to create hex files
xc-dsc-stringsString extractor utility
xc-dsc-stripSymbol stripper utility
xc-dsc-nmSymbol list utility
xc-dsc-objdumpObject file display utility
xc-dsc-ranlibArchive indexer utility