29.5.2 Mux Control A

AC.MUXCTRLA controls Analog Comparator Muxes
Offset: 0x02
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 

Bit 7 – INVERT Invert AC Output

Writing a '1' to this bit enables inversion of the output of the AC. This effectively inverts the input to all the peripherals connected to the signal, and also affects the internal status signals.

Bits 4:3 – MUXPOS[1:0] Positive Input MUX Selection

Writing to this bit field selects the input signal to the positive input of the AC.
0AINP0Positive Pin 0
1AINP1Positive Pin 1
1AINP2Positive Pin 2
1AINP3Positive Pin 3

Bits 1:0 – MUXNEG[1:0] Negative Input MUX Selection

Writing to this bit field selects the input signal to the negative input of the AC.
0x0AINN0Negative Pin 0
0x1AINN1Negative Pin 1
0x2VREFVoltage Reference
0x3DACDAC output. Instance n of the AC will use instance n of the DAC: for example AC0 will use DAC0 and AC1 will use DAC1.